Thursday, 26 February 2015

When the Mud Settles and the Water Clears God Speaks 

Today, on Facebook I read an article by Joe Rogan on his experience in a Sensory Deprivation Chamber. In the article he describes the moment when the noise in your head stops and, "something truly amazing happens." The truly amazing happening is the moment we go beyond self consciousness and enter a state of "Pure Consciousness" and experience oneness with God.

A more readily accessible way of entering "The Field of Pure Consciousness" is through meditation and yoga. So much of what Joe describes is especially achievable through meditation. The ancient Indian scriptures such as the Vedas and  Bhagavad Gita describe this practice as achieving oneness of Self in Brahman (God).  Similarly, the Advaita Vedanta describes the oneness of Atman (soul) and Brahman (God) as its essence. In addition to yoga and meditation, these scriptures form the foundation of the practices of music, dance, drama and poetry in the performing arts of India. 

Over the past 100 years, scientists have validated through experiment,  the presence of the "Field of Pure Consciousness" which while external to us, is readily accessible through "The Gap" between our thoughts. When we enter "The Gap" with a sense of desire, opportunities arise as if by coincidence and our deep abiding desire is soulful integration which arises from the interaction of wholeness, preciousness and freshness. Soulful integration exists in The "Field of Pure Consciousness" because there is no separation, only oneness with God. In our awakened state of self-consciousness, our desire to connect with one another is so natural and if achieved with care, love and shared intention our individual identities can exist in alignment with others as we each strive for wholeness, preciousness and freshness in self and in all things. 

These principles form the basis of Open Source Psychology which honors the existence of pure spiritual potential as the motivating force bringing order to the underlying chaos of everyday life. Through our work at the MindIndigo Center we aim to connect clients with their spiritual potential and generate the energy to fuel their movement away from re-activity toward creativity. Through yoga, meditation and other mindful practices, we awaken people to this life force that moves within, without and between us.  A life force that is ever present in our extended bodies as well, swirling with the wind, exploding with the surf, swaying with the trees, and rolling through blades of grass. The existence of life’s energy may be invisible, but it is certainly not beyond our ability to be conscious of it.

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